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Frequently asked questions

  • Our aim is to provide approximately 500 properties in total,
  • The first phase will be brought forward as a detailed element of a hybrid application and deliver 150 apartments (45%) and 186 houses (55%) with a mix of one, two and three bedrooms. It is subject to change but at present, we are working to a target of 141 properties with one bedroom, 138 properties with two bedrooms and 57 properties with three bedrooms.
  • It is our intention that the dwellings will be a mix of open market sale, shared ownership, private rent and social rent tenures.
  • The second phase will involve circa 200 new homes, and we will be seeking outline consent for this element as part of the proposed application.
  • We are also proposing a care home, the final amount of which will deliver in the order of 80 bed spaces.
  • We have instructed commercial agents to market that part of the site earmarked for employment purposes. The employment units will be developed to meet the market demand that comes forward.
  • The employment part of the scheme is being promoted as part of the application in outline only as we do not have any specific users. Market demand will determine the size and type of unit that will be provided on-site in the future.
  • The site will provide just over 3 hectares of land for employment uses. This provides the potential to deliver a variety of buildings to meet whatever floorspace needs there may be for a wide range of businesses.
  • The business units will be accessed off Stoney Rock Lane and will be designed to ensure they have minimum impact on local residents.
  • The existing businesses are aware of the proposals to develop the site and have leases to use the property for short periods.
  • Some of the businesses that came onto the site three years ago have left as their circumstances have changed.
  • Some are planning to move in the future. It is possible some of the tenants may stay on site but in new premises.
  • Avant aims to keep its tenants up to date with its development proposals so, if necessary, they can find alternative premises in plenty of time.
  • We understand the rich heritage of this site from its roots as the home of Burton, then more latterly, Arcadia. Hudson Road was the heart of Montague Burton's empire.
  • Our ambition is to carefully respect this heritage with a range of sensitive interventions throughout the redevelopment of the scheme:
  • Our proposals aim to retain the existing history while creating modern and purpose-built development.
  • The design of the new buildings will pay tribute to the 1930s art deco style of the historical façades on Hudson Road through contemporary reinterpretation.
  • We will use the existing architecture to influence the modern design on-site, including the use of monochromatic materials, a Leeds-centric colour scheme, the incorporation of iconic street names, and industrial style design choices.
  • We also plan to pay tribute to iconic features such as the existing sawtooth roofscape and solid gable ends through our contemporary reimagining of the site.
  • We will also ensure that all the new employment buildings built will pay homage to the former factory building. The final layout for this section will be completed as the proposals develop.
  • As part of the green route and sustainable initiatives, we plan to include outside art installations and wayfinding signage that brings to life and pays respect to the rich history of the site.
  • Approximately 85% of Arcadia is either covered by buildings, roads, or hard standing and 15% is greenspace.
  • After development, the area of private and public greenspace will be greater than 52%. The resulting increase in public green space will provide an opportunity for a comprehensive landscape masterplan to be delivered. This is currently being prepared.
  • As part of the detailed planting plans, the appointed landscape architect is seeking to achieve a 10% biodiversity net gain achieved on-site. However, additional habitat units could be achieved off-site if necessary.
  • The site is not contaminated.
  • There was a clay pit in the southern part of the site that has been filled over the years. Avant has drilled exploratory boreholes and has not found any material that is of concern or could affect adjoining properties.
  • The fill in the clay pit will be excavated and it is expected c.80% of the content will be replaced in the pit in an engineered way, with the remainder being taken off-site.
  • There is asbestos in the existing buildings which is surveyed on an annual basis as part of our Asbestos Management Plan.
  • When any of the buildings are demolished Avant will ensure the necessary, rigorous, health and safety measures are put in place by specialists so that all asbestos is removed in a safe and controlled manner before being taken off-site.
  • To reflect both the site’s history and the wider community, our ambition for the new communities will use existing architecture to inform the modern design narratives of the area.
  • The communities will be based around four different character styles:
    • Park Land – short terraces, semi-detached housing, three to four-bed houses and parking integrated to the frontage and side.
    • Village - short terraces, semi-detached housing, two to four-bed houses and parking on the side of properties or on the front.
    • Main Street – Terrace and townhouse styles, ranging from three to five-bed houses over multiple storeys, parking at the rear or in an undercroft.
    • Woodland – Terraces and apartment blocks, ranging from one to four-bed houses/ apartments over multiple stories, parking in a dedicated courtyard.
  • These communities will be designed with a Leeds-centric materials pallet to integrate with the surrounding architecture, which will differ from the monochromatic materials used in the grounds of the former industrial building.
  • The provision of car parking will vary depending on the character of the new community.
  • Some houses and apartments will have private parking attached to the property, while other buildings will use communal parking spaces.
  • As part of the plan for the whole site, we have created two strategies that use existing routes to inform site zoning and neighbourhood creation:
    1. The transport strategy is driven by retaining the existing entrances while avoiding a vehicular North/ South route to Hudson Road.
    2. The pedestrian/ cycle strategy is driven by linking key spaces and enhancing routes.
  • One of the core principles of our plan for the site is to promote positive and healthy lifestyle opportunities through the provision of cycling and walking routes.
  • Vehicular access will be provided via the current access at Trent Road, and Stoney Rock Lane access, which will be re-opened.
  • Pedestrian and cycle access will be provided by opening other existing accesses which are closed at present. These are:
    • Two accesses onto Hudson Road.
    • Access with Torre Drive.
    • Access onto Westlock Avenue.
  • Our vision is to minimise the need for the new residents to use the car, and we will be introducing travel planning measures and infrastructure to provide attractive alternative ways of travelling to and from the site.
  • We will work with Leeds City Council to ensure that the site is fully integrated with the existing transport networks. This will include the existing bus routes along Torre Road, Stoney Rock Lane and Lupton Avenue, Leeds Cycle Network Routes, and existing road networks.
  • In 2019, councillors from all parties in Leeds voted to declare a ‘climate emergency’ and accelerate action to achieve ‘net zero’ emissions. As a result, the Council are committed to making Leeds carbon neutral by 2030. The Council currently requires all major development proposals to be zero carbon and provide a minimum of 10% of energy needs of the development from renewable resources.
  • In 2025, compliance with the Future Homes Standard (FHS) will become mandatory. It aims to ensure that new homes built from 2025 will produce 75-80% less carbon emissions than homes built under the current Building Regulations. In practical terms, this will mean that measures such as PV panels, air source heat pumps, hot water recovery systems, and electric vehicle charging points will need to be incorporated into development as necessary. This will be agreed upon in conjunction with the Council.
  • IAdditionally, measures to reduce reliance on private car ownership will be considered and agreed upon in conjunction with the Council. A robust Travel Plan is currently being developed, which will seek to promote active and sustainable modes of travel beyond the site.
  • The former Arcadia site is 20.2 ha and its redevelopment for residential and employment use will have an impact on the surrounding area in physical and social terms during both the construction and delivery phase.
  • Due to the scale of housing that we plan to bring to the site, we are examining the impacts on existing community infrastructure such as doctors and dentists, and we will be collaborating with the local community and Leeds City Council to mitigate these.
  • Adjoining Arcadia are the recently opened Trinity Academy (secondary school), and The Vine (SEN). These three major investments represent a major regeneration opportunity, to bring both economic and social benefits to this part of the city.
  • We wish to meet Trinity Academy and The Vine to establish if there are any actions we can take to better integrate our proposal with the local community.
  • Summer 2025: Planning approval granted.
  • Spring 2026: Southern Area Remediation completed.
  • Spring 2026: Groundworks commence.
  • Summer 2026: House build starts.
  • Winter 2026: First house sales
  • Winter 2031: 500 houses sold
  • Construction and demolition work will generate a degree of noise, dust and traffic.
  • Avant Homes will meet all requirements to suppress dust as much as possible. Noise-generating activities will be limited to reduce the risk of evening and weekend disturbances.
  • Routes for construction and traffic will be agreed with Leeds City Council to avoid sensitive areas.
  • The consultation will run from Monday 28th October until Friday 15th November. You will be welcome to submit your views of the project for consideration during this period. Views can be submitted here, by email: or in writing to Social, 2.23, Platform, New Station Street, Leeds, LS1 4JB.
  • If you submit a response after Friday 15th November, your views may not be taken into consideration.
  • Yes, we will be hosting a public consultation as part of this engagement program on Thursday 7th November between 13:00 and 19:00.

Community Learning Partnerships
Burton Business Park,
Hudson Road,
Leeds LS9 6DJ

  • You will be more than welcome to attend the consultation at any point during the time above to hear our plans for the site, discuss the proposal, and provide the team with any feedback you may have.